Maarten Warning
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Raised in a town on the outskirts of Amsterdam on a healthy mix of hip-hop and skateboarding, Maarten has been pounding the keys on his keyboard for nearly 10 years. After earning his stripes as an editor for a Dutch hip-hop website, he and three friends founded Lacebag, the first Dutch website and forum solely dedicated to sneakers and streetwear. His newest venture is Noise Magazine, a printed skateboard magazine which is available for free in skate shops throughout The Netherlands and Belgium. You'll most likely find him near a fridge filled with cold beer.
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{"id":"13882","name":"Maarten Warning","avatar":"https:\/\/\/thehundreds\/media\/2015\/01\/10903951_10204566671421341_5251821862459071953_o-139x140.jpg","city":"Amsterdam","state":"Netherlands","description":"Raised in a town on the outskirts of Amsterdam on a healthy mix of hip-hop and skateboarding, Maarten has been pounding the keys on his keyboard for nearly 10 years. After earning his stripes as an editor for a Dutch hip-hop website, he and three friends founded Lacebag, the first Dutch website and forum solely dedicated to sneakers and streetwear. His newest venture is Noise Magazine, a printed skateboard magazine which is available for free in skate shops throughout The Netherlands and Belgium. You\\'ll most likely find him near a fridge filled with cold beer.","website":"","facebook":"","twitter":"warheadnl","tumblr":"http:\/\/","instagram":"warheadnl","youtube":"","vimeo":""}