Jeremy Deputat
Detroit, MI
Since he was a kid in the '80s collecting records (Run-DMC’s "Raising Hell" kicked off his collection) and magazines like Thrasher, Hit Parader, and Metal Edge, Jeremy "JD" Deputat has been influenced by music, culture, and art. His desire to create and his fascination with capturing life on film led the Detroit-bred artist to quit his day job as an art director and to focus on doing what he loves the most: photographing people and culture. Although he travels frequently, JD continues to sculpt his raw style and gain inspiration from the gritty Motor City he calls home.
More by Jeremy Deputat
{"id":"2171","name":"Jeremy Deputat","avatar":"https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/thehundreds\/media\/2014\/01\/Hundreds-JeremyDeputat-250x250.jpg","city":"Detroit","state":"MI","description":"Since he was a kid in the \\'80s collecting records (Run-DMC’s \\\"Raising Hell\\\" kicked off his collection) and magazines like Thrasher, Hit Parader, and Metal Edge, Jeremy \\\"JD\\\" Deputat has been influenced by music, culture, and art. His desire to create and his fascination with capturing life on film led the Detroit-bred artist to quit his day job as an art director and to focus on doing what he loves the most: photographing people and culture. Although he travels frequently, JD continues to sculpt his raw style and gain inspiration from the gritty Motor City he calls home.","website":"http:\/\/jeremydeputat.com","facebook":"jeremydeputat","twitter":"jeremydeputat","tumblr":"jeremydeputat","instagram":"jeremydeputat","youtube":"","vimeo":""}