C.C. Filson – With 100 years of craftsmanship under its belt, Filson has been working with notably younger brands like Levi’s and Urban Outfitters. But an older brand like Nigel Cabourn is being added to the list of collaborators this season. The English designer works with Filson to create a premium collection of outdoor cold winter gear. Cabourn uses Filson’s thick and durable canvas to create modern outfitting gear that can used for work or play.
Source: Filson

iPhone 6 – With all the hoopin’ and hollerin’ over the iPhone 6, I guess I’ll weigh in. Apple is late. After the arrival of the Android OS, Apple has been consistently late. They are no longer an innovator. Most of the specs offered in the newly announced iPhone 6 were found in Google’s Nexus 4 from 2012. Apple does offer an HD screen, a more efficient processor, and a powerful camera, but that hardly makes the iPhone 6 revolutionary. What is even more laughable is that one of the most profitable tech companies in the world still starts off their latest smartphone with a puny 16gb hard drive.
Source: Apple

Furtif Evercut Knife – Anyone who cooks knows how important a set of kitchen knives are. Buying a nice set of knives is one thing, and maintaining the edge is another. That is unless you get knives from Furtif. The new Evercut Knives require almost zero maintenance. These solid steel knives features a laser-bonded titanium-carbide surface that lasts 300 times longer than standard steel. Besides being ultra sharp, the knives have a geometric handle that makes it easy on the eyes.
Source: A+R

J.Crew x New Balance – J.Crew has always played it safe when it came to their collaborative footwear. After seasons with Nike, Converse, and New Balance, the colorways have always been traditional, muted, or tonal. This season, J.Crew is venturing outside of their comfort zone and the 998 arrives with a camouflage-inspired Concrete Jungle style. The classic runner uses a deconstructed camo that is highlighted by blaze orange trim and various hues of green.
Source: J.Crew

Able Archer Rucksack – Military-styled bags are all the rage right now, and rightfully so. With years of military research and durable water-resistant canvas, military bags are known to take a beating. The Able Archer rucksack uses tough canvas and a nylon lined interior to specifically protect your photography equipment. Instead of laptops and notebooks, the rucksack is lined with neoprene to ensure your expensive camera and lenses stay safe.
Source: Able Archer