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Show Time

Show Time

Well I definitely had a amazing first night out in the city of sin. But I made myself get up out of bed the next day to make it down to check out the convention.  Arriving there around 3 something, I had just enough time to walk around a bit and say what’s up to some faces and snap a few flicks. It is always fun to see what’s coming next from some of my (and your) favorite brands at these shows, but this one was so massive that I didn’t have time to check them all out. And just the over all attendees at this were probably some of the more typical as well as fashion forward people I have ever seen. I definitely think the essential items for this convention were a pair of jordans,a camo jacket, and a 40 0z Van snapback. If you had all 3 you were winning. I also want to add a thank you again to the boys at Primitive for the invite and a special thank you to Scotty for showing me around the Rhino. You are a great tour guide!

Mink was putting work for the Crooks & Castles

The infamous Sky Sheargold

What up Eli

Mega looking bright eyed and bushy tailed from the night before at the Black Scale booth

Primitive apparel

Arsen doing work for Hall of Fame

What up Milhouse

Nick Lockman from DGK

Jon looking very proud of his Rook Brand

Mr. Spanish Mike

SSUR had a great booth

Bumped into my pal Stephanie from Fully Laced out there

Also got to snap a couple of flicks of Lil’ Debbie on my way out

Peace out Vegas till next time

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