This has definitely been an eventful year for myself. To think of where my love for photography has taken me, still to this day, trips me out. But I must say a very humbling moment came this year when the good people of SkillShare reached out to me in regards to creating a class on model photography. Now, if you are familiar with SkillShare, you know they have some heavy hitters in their rosters as teachers, so I took this opportunity as a honor and huge compliment. It also made me realize, more so, how important it is to share what you learn with others. Rather then hoard it all for yourself, sometimes you have to share some of your knowledge and outlook on things whether you are a fashion designer, a painter, or in my case, a photographer. If you have been able to have enjoyment and good fortune with something you love doing, I think there is a bit of a obligation to share with others. I was a pretty nervous when creating my class, being I have never done anything like this before. My biggest concern was making sure my class would translate well to the viewer. So I linked up with my good friend, Michele Maturo, to be my model for the course. Renting out a pretty decent location out in L.A., and with the camera crew present, we shot away. When I saw the final outcome I was very happy and was very thankful to work with such a good group of people. With that said, thank you again to Elliot and everyone at SkillShare for the opportunity to share what I have learned with others. If you were ever curious to my approach to how I shoot with models, check out my class here. I hope you enjoy it along with the set below from my shoot with Michele.