I took my car to the shop awhile ago because a disgruntled ex of mine shoved a banana up the exhaust and fucked some things up. Got to the shop and there was a HFM (Hot Female Mechanic), sittin’ pretty. She took a look at my car and found the banana that was jammed deep in my car hole. We then sat around and ate the said banana while we discussed cars and fruits. That is not how I met Constance. Though she does drive muscle cars and can probably do an oil-change faster than you.
I got a text from a friend of mine a week ago with a photo of Constance attached. He wrote nothing else. So I asked, “And then what happened?” He flooded my texts with photos of her and told me that I should set up a shoot with her. And setting up a shoot with her I did. We met up yesterday and shot real quick at her apartment. Enjoy.