The last hour of the work week can be tough. Thoughts of the incoming weekend and all the inherent activities said weekend brings come creeping in toward the end of Friday. You just accidentally typed “beer” into a spreadsheet. You’re done for, might as well pack it up and try again on Monday.
Not so fast! At The Hundreds HQ, we figured out a solution. We ease into the weekend transition. From 4 to 5 PM every Friday, we do POWER HOUR. Everyone in the office starts sending their requests via Slack (yes, we use it, too. /giphy “the more you know”) to our resident DJ, Percival, who then blasts the carefully selected songs all over the office. Scientifically speaking, POWER HOUR allows us to introduce a small “turn up” into our system so there isn’t so much culture shock during the work-to-weekend metamorphosis.

But it would be selfish for us to keep this monumental tool to ourselves, as the last hour of the work week is brutal for everyone. So we’re sharing our POWER HOUR with you, our internet friends. Every Friday, check out The Hundreds Spotify Channel for a new edition of POWER HOUR and listen along with us as we collectively crush the final hour of Friday.