Ever wonder what’s inside that massive oval black reflective building with Larry Flynt’s name all around it? That’s what I’m here for.
For reasons that cannot be revealed until the fall, I was hanging out with Larry Flynt for a few hours. His office is an entire floor in the recently renamed LFP building on La Cienega.
There are about 100 seating arrangements, each with it’s own oil painting. This is what 15th century porn must have looked like. Scandalous.
See what I’m saying about the seating areas? Oh look, There is Atiba Jefferson testing one of those areas out now!
I’d like to think the multitude of seating areas is some kind of inside joke coming from a guy in a wheelchair.
“I treat Hustler the same way as I would if it was a jar of peanut butter or a can of green beans,” Flynt replied. “You know, it’s a product, and when you are not making money, you’ve got to move on.” -Larry Flynt
Larry and his wife Liz in Paris.
Did you know Larry owned Big Brother skateboarding magazine at one point?
“Had I known that casinos would be as lucrative as they were, I would have gotten into them long before I did,” he said. “It’s been very profitable.”
Larry makes two cameo appearances in The People vs Larry Flynt.