I want you to look at this face for a minute. A full minute. That’s the face of a man who doesn’t take shit. A man who’s been around the world, seen it all, and done it all. It’s also the face of a man who makes the best hot dogs. Ever.

Meet Michael Anderson, owner of M.A.’s Gourmet Dogs. He’s been serving hotdogs, chatting with folks, and making Anchorage a better place for about 22 years now. This past week he was cool enough to let me kick it with him for a few hours and see how things work. He mentioned to me the other day that he can’t remember ever seeing me without some sort of camera in my hands, so it only made sense to snap a few photos of him doing what he loves.
M.A.’s hot dogs are a lot more than just a quick bite to eat while you’re downtown. When he sets up shop, it’s officially spring time in the city. The 30 degree weather may not agree, but to us locals, it’s time to get back outside.

For real, don’t break the rules.

Woody, the mascot.

The “Suggestion Box” also doubles as a hoop for folks eager to get a free dog. If you can land the tin foil ball in the trashcan from about 30ft away your hot dog is on M.A. If not, you owe him 30 push ups. Lot’s of buff people walking around here…

This man doesn’t play…

First thing this dude does when he sees me lift my camera…

Three Can Sam, over here. His mom was cool enough to let me snap a photo but the lil homie was too occupied to look up.

HWFs getting their dogs and enjoying the sunshine.

He tried to eat the whole thing before I got to him so I couldn’t get a photo.

These girls were dope, the one on the left recognized me from my tumblr/Instagram (I forgot other people can see those…) Her hot dog was loaded. She had a bratwurst with jalapeños, caramelized onions, and M.A.’s secret sweet chili sauce. I think I fell in love.

Around noon the line started getting crazy.

“Y’all mind if I get another photo? I promise it’ll be good.”
– Guy on the right – “It’ll only be good if you tell these two to get out of the shot!”

Dopest Jacket of the Day award goes to this lil girl on her lunch break rockin’ her dad’s old bomber jacket.

My go-to dog is the Louisiana Hot, but you’re winning with any of ’em.

The secret to great onions.

Whenever you stop by, it’s mandatory to show some love to Vivo. This little guy is about to turn one year old, here’s a photo of him from last April.

The homie Nick has been working with M.A. for about seven years now. His dad and M.A. have been longtime friends & basketball homies.

Of course I had to get myself a dog too. This was a Reindeer Sausage dog with cheese, sweet & spicy sauce, dijon mustard, and a secret topping only known as “a lil somthin’-somthin'”.

Until next time, y’all.