The Hundreds Santa Monica is our fourth shop, a corner over from the Santa Monica Promenade and sharing an alley with Fred Segal. It’s the most recent chapter in our store history themed on time – or in THSM’s case – timelessness. The design buildout is devoid of time period and is supposed to feel sterile and alien. A sharp contrast to our prior three shops in LA, SF, and NY.
As Summer 2014 peeks its head around the corner, here are the final throes from our Spring season. Including our BDWY Store Exclusive™ collection, T-shirts exclusively sold only at The Hundreds Santa Monica and nowhere else in the world – not even online.

Like our other locations, we also handpick some of our friends’ brands to complement The Hundreds. We carry the latest in ONLY, CLSC, Hall of Fame, and a Top 5 for me, FUCT:

A church isn’t the building, it’s the congregation. And The Hundreds stores aren’t the brick and mortar, but the staff. These are our frontline soldiers. Tony aka Chowdabum holds down THSM on the daily.

Abdul also. Rahmin was feeling camera shy.

Abdul’s shirt is a modern classic.

Who remembers the Shorty’s original? I know Scotty does. Richard and Tiimo of Those Folks are geniuses for this one.

Which is the perfect segway to introduce our latest addition to The Hundreds flagship stores, Venice’s own Those Folks.

The Hundreds is proud to stock Those Folks, a local brand that has got the entire city behind it. I can’t think of another label in recent memory that has this much support from the community. Today is Opening Day for Those Folks Spring 2014 in our shops, and the release was gangbusters. Keep watching Those Folks and support true, independent Streetwear.

Richard and Tiimo:

The Hundreds Santa Monica stands at 416 Broadway. See you there!