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All in All :: Well Fed

All in All :: Well Fed

I got caught up the other afternoon digging through some early Streetwear T-shirt bangers—not necessarily ours. There was this one particular Spoonfed T-shirt that was the Hypebeast uniform for a few seasons back in like 2004 or ‘5. Reminded me of sneakerhead Streetwear brands of the time, like Well Bred. There’s an argument to be made that the early 2000s Streetwear generation was founded on the backs of sneaker collecting. We needed T-shirts and caps to match our colorful Dunks. Seriously.

Taking this month’s All in All back to Thanksgiving, when Those Folks blessed Venice once again with their annual Folksgiving.

Visiting hours with Fats and Aly. Fats was in town from London, checking on the Palace Pop-Up shop, as he is the man responsible for their production. Alyasha is—as you know well by now—my mentor. One of my longest-running friends in this space, and with every day that passes, more my hero.

FATSARAZZI was THE original Streetwear blogger.

We did a little pop-up tent sale at UC Riverside one day and I tagged along to reminisce a bit. I grew up out in Riverside, so on my way in, I picked up some chile relleno burritos from Tony’s (with the red sauce), and tipped my hat to the recently deceased Swap Meet on Chicago that I used to raid.

Our spot was set up at the foot of the bell tower, in front of these familiar ledges. My friends and I used to terrorize this spot with the manny-pad stairs at their easy noseslide-able height. But back then, we had to sneak onto the campus on weekends to skate. Sessions would last maybe an hour, tops, before security kicked us out.

But—now? I guess UCR has some Skateboarding Club and students were sticking around all afternoon, skating. And no one said a word.

How times have changed.

Speaking of these ledges, do you remember this early T-shirt by us? My friend Zach shot this fisheye of our homie Doug Cloud (RIP) at this very spot.

Anyway, that was 20 years ago, and everything has changed. Except for this spot. It’s still gold.

Catching up with our writer—and brother from another mother—Jensen Karp. He just launched his own custom pin brand, Patti Lapel, that YOU WILL LOVE. Trust.

We’re eating at Badmaash downtown. This is my favorite Indian restaurant in the city.

Arjun and Nakul, Toronto brothers, who followed their hearts (and stomachs) out to the promised land and turned a dream (“An Indian restaurant that plays Biggie!”) into reality.

Everything is delicious here. But—then you get to the beer selection. And then you round the corner and hit the desserts. That’s how you know you’ve made it.

A few hours later—because I’m a sick pig—I was sitting down at Chris Oh’s new Korean restaurant in Culver City, Hanjip.

Do you remember Chris? He’s responsible for Seoul Sausage, and he’s been coming around for the past 5 years. Anyway, he continues to rethink traditional Korean cuisine, and wow beautiful white people with his cooking. As the world’s worst representation of a Korean, I can vouch that Hanjip definitely lives up to the hype.

That’s bone marrow by the way. Bone marrow at a KBBQ. Afterwards, we did shots down the bone. Like that.

Later into the night (like, 4 hours later), Chris started veering off-menu with crispy pig ears.

This was the last thing I remember.

One of the smartest, most resourceful, and savviest people I know, Sophia Rossi. This is in her new HelloGiggles headquarters, which is like the inverse of The Hundreds in so many ways. I basically want to be Sophia when I grow up.

Checking in with Ron English on the eve of his NeoNature show at the new Corey Helford downtown. Big crews working around the clock to bring his vision alive. We’ve got an exclusive interview with Ron, as well as a preview of the show, coming soon. Stay tuned.

Getting my Daily Dose of Julia Vaughn at everyone’s favorite downtown cafe.

What’s better than Julia? Julia in Bounty Hunter.


The Hundreds RFN collection is all done, piping hot, and ready to go.

This was a collection that’s been stewing in my brain for a while now. RFN stands for “Right Fucking Now,” as in—I wanted to get this stuff out RIGHT FUCKING NOW. So, cut out the sales period, the marketing, all of the nonsense, and get it to you as fast as I could.

Available RIGHT HERE in our Online Shop.

We took a Design field trip to the new The Broad downtown. My full recap of the museum is over here.

As well as my coverage of Giant Robot’s eleventh Post-It Show. Here’s Eric with Matt Groening out back!

Speaking of brilliant artistic genius, here’s our Art Director, Dave Kinsey, letting us know how he really feels.

Up there. Way up there. Best of ’15? Some say so…

It’s about time.

How’s this for Marketing activations? Stance Socks sends me an iPad with a hologram Chris Cole teaser for their Star Wars collaboration.

Even better than that? The website for the project.

And speaking of movies, I’ve been at the studio every night for weeks now, hammering out the edits on my documentary. Voiceover work, cutting storylines together, maybe even some animation? For the past year, I’ve been working with an entirely different team on this project—it’s been really interesting to build with a crew outside of The Hundreds altogether. I’ve learned so much…

Things are starting to move really fast now. I hope to have something to you by late Spring.

Just shot Ricky Webb out back on our ramp. Can you believe this kid has been riding for us for, like, a decade now?

Let’s see how closely our editor Alina Nguyen is proofreading my posts, and if she’ll keep this photo in here.


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