Spraytrains is a blog documenting graffiti on trains. Run by a girl. After initially wanting to draw those same letters, she accumulated so many images of Italian and global graff that she decided to start a Tumblr to document her daily finds. The rest is history.
{"id":"14382","name":"SPRAYTRAINS","avatar":"https:\/\/storage.googleapis.com\/thehundreds\/media\/2014\/10\/chiaraportraitavatar-250x250.jpeg","city":"","state":"","description":"Spraytrains is a blog documenting graffiti on trains. Run by a girl. After initially wanting to draw those same letters, she accumulated so many images of Italian and global graff that she decided to start a Tumblr to document her daily finds. The rest is history.","website":"http:\/\/spraytrains.com","facebook":"","twitter":"","tumblr":"","instagram":"spraytrains","youtube":"","vimeo":""}