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World Famous Westsyde

World Famous Westsyde

While crossing Oxford Street a red rectangle caught my eye. On further inspection, an entire skateshop was housed underneath. If you ever need insight on what you are into, the local skateshop is always the answer.

What the fuck is going on here? These two politely explained it to me. Westsyde is Sydney’s premier skate and culture shop.

Everyone has seen stash cans… but did you know Montana spray-paint made one? I didn’t.

After hearing about the trouble Leah and her MOB got into with James Jebbia, Westsyde decided to do their own take on the box logo. Get it? It’s like Sydney and ‘preme. I think it’s pretty clever. Every purchase comes with a sticker pack and the print of a girl in a wet but functional tee shirt.

Half of life is showing up. I’m glad I showed up to this spot.

You can attempt to get your own Sydpreme shirt here… but they are most likely sold out!

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