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Visualizing :: Nicole Mejia

Visualizing :: Nicole Mejia

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile you could miss it.” – Ferris Bueller. This quote holds a lot of truths. Especially in the world of streetwear. With Holiday ’14 from V/SUAL having just released, I thought it would be fun to share some images from this season’s capsule with Nicole Mejia. Shot on location at an awesome studio out in Miami, we made a day of it despite the humid weather. Pulling off multiple looks never concerned us since we were simply having fun. One thing that drew me to wanting to do a project with Nicole was not only her ability to model, but more so her drive when she isn’t modeling. Having grown her brand from local classes in Miami to nationwide tours is really something awesome to see. Best of all, she is doing it her way on her own. Showing people nothing is impossible both mentally and physically. So check out this black and white set I decided to share below, as well her capsule with V/SUAL here. 

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