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Visual x Jayden Jaymes

Jayden James, porn star jayden james, Jayden Jaymes, porn star jayden jaymes

One of the great parts of starting out a new brand is coming up with fun projects that you can work on and share with everyone. Along with that is when you can do these projects with your friends and create something that we’re all are proud of. Enter Jayden Jaymes. I have been friends with her for about 5 years or so now. She was always just so cool with me when we worked together in our prior arena. I knew it was natural that we’d just click. Aside from that, there have been previous projects I’ve worked on with her, such as The Hundreds April fool’s joke video last year, in which Jayden was more than a good sport to appear in. And to me, it is small things like that, where you can see their true personality shine through.

Which brings us to to this blog today. I was very honored and excited when I asked Jayden if she would want to do a capsule collection for V/SUAL, and she said yes. She is definitely the type of woman who probably gets business offers to put her photos on a variety of things daily, and usually turns them down. So after figuring out all the other aspects of the project, we figured out a day to shoot. I rented out a house in Beverly Hills, hired a make-up artist as well as a videographer to capture the day along with my photos. I have to be honest and say I was a little nervous and feeling some pressure to come through on this. It is a exciting and overwhelming feeling when it’s all of your own money paying for something like this, as well as not wanting to let Jayden down. But after all was said and done, we are both proud of what we produced. The collection released a few weeks ago, and it is rad to see it out in stores and to see people wearing it. Well, being that we shot about five sets of photos that day, I thought I would share a set with you here, i ncase you weren’t aware of this collab. So here is some new Jayden imagery for you to enjoy. I hope everyone had a great Christmas, and I guess it is time to start getting ready for New Year’s Eve… jesus.

Jayden James, porn star jayden james, Jayden Jaymes, porn star jayden jaymes
Jayden James, porn star jayden james, Jayden Jaymes, porn star jayden jaymes
Jayden James, porn star jayden james, Jayden Jaymes, porn star jayden jaymes
Jayden James, porn star jayden james,
Jayden James, porn star jayden james, Jayden Jaymes, porn star jayden jaymes
Jayden James, porn star jayden james, Jayden Jaymes, porn star jayden jaymes
Jayden James, porn star jayden james, Jayden Jaymes, porn star jayden jaymes
Jayden James, porn star jayden james, Jayden Jaymes, porn star jayden jaymes
Jayden James, porn star jayden james, Jayden Jaymes, porn star jayden jaymes  Jayden James ass
Jayden James, porn star jayden james, Jayden Jaymes, porn star jayden jaymes, Jayden Jaymes ass


You can get Jayden’s capsule with V/SUAL here

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