So 2013 came and went. But not without giving me a chance to bring you guys a new test shot segment. This one is with Haley Jade, with whom I had the choice to shoot with before the end of the year. She had e-mailed me a few months back showing an interest in shooting with me. Along with that, she noted that she had not done a lot of shoots and was fearful of me looking at her as inexperienced. If you follow my work, then you know that doesn’t matter. I love to shoot with anyone, regardless of experience. After informing her of that and getting her dates, we picked a time and place to shoot. I rented out a suite at a hotel in the Westwood area by U.C.L.A. It feels pretty cool that some girls like my work enough to hit me up as a starting point for them to break into doing modeling. So thank you Haley for reaching out to me to help get this love for modeling of yours going. So be sure to scroll below for her interview as well as the rest of the photos from the shoot.
Alright Haley time to get this interview going.
Lets start with your age.
And what would your ethnicity be?
I’m white, mostly Irish.
Where were you born?
Cookeville, TN
And where do you live now?
Nashville, TN
What are some of your likes in life?
I enjoy modeling, the lake, anything on a board, bananas and Adam Devine.
What about your dislikes?
Getting Gas.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
I like Kate Upton’s vibe and “model life” along with being a jiu jitsu competitor and a televised athletic trainer. Currently the back up plan is becoming a doctor.
Name some influences you have had?
My family and grandparents. They help encourage me to follow my dreams plus they’re hilarious…next sitcom #thepostons
What is your favorite food?
Tough choice between Grandma’s chocolate n biscuits and my protein pancakes.
What is your favorite place you have traveled to?
I’m still in school and haven’t gotten to travel a whole lot yet, but I had a blast in Vegas and LA.
Is there a place you want to visit before you die?
Justin Timberlake’s bedroom.
Interesting. What is your current form of employment?
I teach spin and fitness classes, I coordinate weddings, and host events in Nashville.
Lastly do you have a favorite type of music?
Pretty Ricky Ricky Rickayyy!

Follow Haley on instagram