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Test Shot :: Amy-Jane Brand

Test Shot :: Amy-Jane Brand

Here we are with a new test shot segment for all of you. This time, it’s with Amy-Jane Brand. A beautiful blonde from Australia who, while traveling all over the U.S. for vacation, had contacted me about linking up and shooting. I love having the chance to work with people who are from different regions. We linked up at a home I’d rented out in Beverly Hills for the day, which had this awesome stairway that lead up to a sun deck. While we definitely made use of the interior of the home, I opted to showcase this set for her segment. Not only because it was outdoors, but I thought her outfit was so fun. So scroll below to check out her interview along with some more imagery of Ms. Brand.

Alright Amy-Jane, let’s start this off. How young are you? 22

And your ethnicity? English & Swedish

Where were you born? U.K.

And where do you currently live? Sydney, Australia, but moving to Miami in Feb. 2014

Congrats. Give us some of your likes in life. Travel, fashion, music, art, food, fitness, and passionate people.

What about some dislikes? Staying in one place for too long, negative people, and bad spelling.

What do you want to be when you grow up? An internationally recognized full-time model.

Do you have influences? Music influences me the most, along with my inspiration folder, which contains all kinds of images and is continually growing. If there is to be any person in particular it would have to be actress, Scarlett Johansson

Nice. Do you have a favorite food? I love fresh coffee in the morning, ice cream during the summer & Italian for dinner!

Name your favorite place you have traveled to. I would have to say L.A. & Miami.

Is there a place you want to visit before you die? Bora Bora Island.

What is your current form of employment? Signed Model!

Lastly do you have a favorite type of music? Electro dance, house, trap and R&B.

Follow Amy-Jane Brand on Instagram.
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