Bonjour! Sorry about my absence last week. I have been in the South of France for the past 9 days and WIFI is not as available as I had hoped. I am currently in a Village in Italy called Sanremo, which is an hour drive from Nice, France. Just came here for some Spaghetti and Gelato. I don’t speak Italian at all, so I walked into this hole in the wall place and said, “Spaghetti,” to the lady sitting there. She smiled and nodded. Then 20 minutes later, she came out with a pot of spaghetti and made my world a better place. She said some stuff to me while smiling, but for all I know she could have been saying “eat my turd balls, you American scum.”
It was still tasty as fuck though…
This week’s post features my dear friend Joy. As some of you know we had a Rendezvous a long time ago, but I figured it’s time for a new one. Enjoy!