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Rendezvous :: Ana Kim

Rendezvous :: Ana Kim

What IS up?! What have you been up to? So much has happened since the last time we had an encounter…

What have I been up to? Oh man, I don’t even know where to begin! I’ve been experimenting with natural lighting more, working on self-growth, finding purpose (which has resulted in me teaching courses on harnessing natural lighting now! Today is actually the first day which is extremely exciting for me), and lastly resenting American politics.

Let’s get to it. My friend Ana got a place in Los Feliz recently and asked me if I would be down to shoot her in her new place. She mentioned that it has barely any furniture and that we would have to get creative with it. To which I said “fuck yes”—I got to her place only to realize that the house was extremely bare. I thought she would have a couch AT LEAST… but no, not even a couch. She had some flowers, plants, wardrobe, and that was pretty much it. I feel like if I were to shoot something like this a year ago it would have been a whole different vibe, but I am liking what came from it a lot more than just shooting “a babe.”

Below is a result of our experimentation!

(If you guys ever want to reach out all you can find me on Twitter and Snapchat under the name of SirNeave. Gucci.)


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