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It’s that time of year again. We’ll be there, will you? (Though we won’t be throwing a raging carnival, so you’ll have to find some other way to win prizes and be entertained. Maybe TV On The Radio or Washed Out can manage that.) If you can’t tell from/didn’t read the title of this blog post, I’m talking about FYF, the F’n best festival that doesn’t require a plane ride and that you can take public transportation to. But seriously. You can read our extensive recapping of last year’s festival here, here, here, and so many other places, in fact, you should probably just search “FYF 2012” on our site, because Bobby took A LOT of photos.


This year, FYF is all grown up and carrying around a really professional leather briefcase. The briefcase is filled with crumpled up newspapers and candy, but nobody needs to know that. It’s not that kind of stuffy grown-up who you feel embarrassed for when he (or she) misuses slang words, it’s more like a hip boss who wears thrifted Hawaiian shirts to the office, made his (or her) fortune by developing an iPhone dating app that he (or she) conceived of while on mushrooms, and who takes the whole staff out to fancy steakhouses for lunch, just to be generous and a little bit ironic. Kind of like Bobby (hi Bobby!), minus the mushrooms. What I mean is, this year’s headliners are epic, rivaling Coachella, without the death heat and innumerable horrible characteristics that make us question our sanity for constantly returning to the desert each year, where we inevitably lose both our primary and backup cell phones. This weekend’s lineup is eclectic, to say the least. Here are just a few of the sets we’re excited about, but we’re pretty much excited about (almost) everyone. You can view all the set times here. Saturday and Sunday, August 24 & 25 at LA State Historic Park.


TY SEGALL: 5:00- 5:45

THE BREEDERS: 6:30- 7:23

YEAH YEAH YEAHS: 10:45- 12:00


THE ORWELLS: 4:05- 4:35

CHELSEA WOLFE: 4:45 – 5:30

NO AGE: 6:05- 6:45

FLUME: 7:25- 8:15

SOLANGE: 9:50- 10:45


by Jane

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