Step one: Find an artist or be Buff Monster. Then find some one dumb enough to spend $150 on spray paint. In this case... me.
Step two: Find a wall that either needs a fresh coat of paint, or one whose owners won’t catch you doing it.
Step three looks like you just draw a bunch of lines. Wait, which step did we discuss what you are putting on the wall? Fuck I should have thought this out more.
Step B. Color in some of the lines with a contrasting color. That way you can see which lines you colored in. If you use the same color, you will erase your lines, then you’re back to step 1.
Now what is he doing? Outlining only certain lines while leaving other ones alone? What the fuck is he even drawing? If you squint it looks like the cast of Life Goes On.
Now implement some chiaroscuro shading techniques. The strong contrast between light and dark affects the entire composition. Doesn’t it just make the drippy eyeballs pop?!
The second to last step is to write “Buff Monster” on your piece. Do not translate that as put your own name on there, please write “Buff Monster” on all your work.
Actually that was the last step. So now we are done. I hope the nuns at this rectory really like their new secure housing unit for recovering addicts.