Lunch with Les from some indie upstart company called Disney.
Les brought through a ceramic Chicken Little sculpture, limited to less than 100, strictly for Disney in-house.
I also learned that:
1) Disneyland’s original Tomorrowland rockets are collecting dust in his parking structure, along with the people-mover carts, and Autopia cars.
2) Mickey Mouse is spelled differently, and sometimes has an altogether different name, in other countries. Like “Rick the Retarded Bat” or “Satanic War Monkey.” JUST KIDDING DISNEY.
3) There’s a really dope Pixar movie coming out soon where a XXXXX can’t XXXX and the XXXXXX are XXXXXXXX Japanese military XXX face XXXX !!!! XXXXXX!!!! XXXXXX Burt Reynolds X XXXXXX !!!
4) Yes, Disney is fully aware of all you little Streetwearland Disney-graphic biters/flippers. ALL OF YOU.
5) The Youtube Black Sabbath x Fantasia remixes are so necessary.
by bobbyhundreds
censored by robertiger