I’ve addressed it on my Tumblr before, but every time I come back to Hong Kong, my appreciation for this “country” (actually, it’s a special administrative region) grows as big and fast as the high-rises that shoot up from the earth. Every day, history is being made here, you can see it – from the window tops to the MTR subway benches. You can see it in the faces of the people – the most hardworking, efficient, driven people on this planet. You can feel it in the energy of commerce, entrepreneurial spirit, shared ideas, explosive synergies. Over the years, our design team has traveled here to design and produce our apparel, in a manner and process that couldn’t be replicated back home in the States. Sometimes I feel very fortunate to be in the right place at the right time, as we get to call this place our second home – the epicenter of everything anew.
My incredible new friends, sisters, Shirley and Cindy.
Cindy composes a self-fashion blog out of Hong Kong, wildly popular here and across mainland China and Asia. It’s called Cindiddy and you’ll love it.
For our last day in Asia, Benjie and I improvised a whirlwind trip to Taipei, Taiwan to celebrate the opening of the District showroom (which I discussed yesterday).
I’ve written from Taiwan plenty times before here on the blog, and hopefully here are to future chapters, as The Hundreds ventures further into the island.
2-hour flight back to Hong Kong. Then a 15-hour flight to New York. We’ll be back soon.
by bobbyhundreds