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The Hundreds X Heavy Metal Lookbook

The Hundreds X Heavy Metal Lookbook

In April 1977, HEAVY METAL MAGAZINE set the standard for science fiction, fantasy, and horror from around the world, launching the international careers of artists such as Moebius (The Fifth Element), Alexander Jodorowsky (El Topo) and H.R. Giger (Alien) on the global stage. No one should be surprised that contemporary artists and filmmakers cite Heavy Metal Magazine as an influence and no one is less surprised by this than The Hundreds.

In 1981, the genre-busting animated movie “Heavy Metal,” based on the magazine, set the standard for alternative contemporary animation and introduced the world to the iconic warrior character, Taarna, who would later appear in the pages of Heavy Metal Magazine and in her self titled comic series.

The Hundreds and Heavy Metal have teamed up to deliver fans a limited collection that will live on timelessly like the legendary magazine itself. The exclusive collaboration will include t-shirts and hooded sweatshirts featuring striking artwork of the heroic Taarna, lone remaining warrior of the Taarakian race and the only one who could defeat the Loc-Nar. The Hundreds branding is fused with iconic Heavy Metal typography, available in an assortment of colorways that compliment the intricate art. Modern reinterpretations of the legendary hero Taarna grace two of the shirts in the collection, masterfully designed by Luis Royo from the cover of Heavy Metal Magazine #284 and Alex Ross’ cover art for issue #1 of Taarna’s comic series.

Alongside the clothing, The Hundreds and Heavy Metal will also be releasing an extremely limited skate deck pulled straight out of 1981, complete with Chris Achilleos’ original Taarna artwork from the cover of Heavy Metal’s September ‘81 issue and the movie poster, surrounded by a glistening chrome backdrop that will turn heads anywhere you ride.

Lookbook shot by Rick Rodney

The Hundreds X Heavy Metal will be available on Thursday, February 28 at Midnight EST here.


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