On this Inauguration Day, it stands that my interpretation of being an American is one who holds its leaders accountable, recognizes that dissent is not disloyalty, and takes its government to task for any self-serving corruption. At some point in their terms, I’ve protested every single President since I was a teenager. Although I voted for Barack Obama, I was one of many who marched against his administration’s immigration policies (I shot this photograph in 2012), spoke out against his signing of the NDAA in 2011, and drew red circles around his drone killings. Now that Joe Biden is in office, we must continue to do our part. We, the people. We, the largest and most powerful branch of government. Just because Trump’s left office, doesn’t mean that these antiquated systems are fixed, that white supremacy is erased, or that politicians uncoil themselves. Today has been a breath of fresh air and there’s much to celebrate. Exhale. Tomorrow, we march on.