On December 31, 1995, I was 15 years old. One of my favorite Sunday strips, Bill Watterson’s Calvin & Hobbes was ending at a time I needed it most. I saved this full-color edition paper in my drawer, a memento of my childhood naivete.
Watterson himself has continued to be a heroic figure to me. He stayed true to his art and upheld his integrity. He resisted licensing, merchandising, and commercially selling-out. And, he went out on top, on his own terms.
It’s funny to think back on my two favorite comics growing up – this one and Garfield. Both are centered around a boy/man and his imaginary/imaginative cartoon sidekick. Years later, I’d have the same relationship with Adam Bomb.
I bring this comic up today because of its outlook on the future.
When we wake up from this dread, the world will be a fresh slate. As terrified as I am some days, this is also the most inspired I’ve felt in years. With regimes toppling, paradigms shifting, and our perspectives adjusting to what’s most important, who will take the torch and run? I’m excited for new leadership and innovation. Every industry is confronted with unforeseen problems. Who will be the first to create solutions?
We are all being sent back to the starting line. We’re implementing new rules and systems. You have as good of a shot as anyone else now. Let’s explore.