Living in Los Angeles is definitely an amazing thing. To be able to have such a city outside your front door is simply unexplainable. But sometimes no matter how amazing a place is, after you spend enough time there you get a little content with the surroundings. With photography, this can be an issue. The atmosphere you surround yourself with can spark some amazing inspiration. I have heard it from most of my friends who shoot photos – doesn’t matter if you are from Chicago or N.Y. – this feeling of too comfortable is relatable to everyone in their city.
So one day my good friend Evidence and I were talking about how we would love to get out of town, even if for a little bit. He is currently in the process of working on a new album, and I myself between shooting photos and running V/SUAL, you could imagine it was a bit of a juggle to figure out a time frame that could work. Finally we figured it out. We had 3 days to make this happen. With some help on the planning side of the trip we were good. The drive was roughly about 9 hours, but that didn’t bother us. We saw it as part of the adventure. Our destination was Page, Arizona, home to the beautiful Antelope Canyons. On Navajo land you have to arrange a tour in order to see it, but trust me it is worth it. Finding ourselves in a different shooting environment was so refreshing. I think this is great due to it makes you look at things different for shooting. We wound up doing a day and a night tour at the upper canyon followed by a day tour of the lower canyon the next day.
It was an eventful and busy 3 days. Thinking about it afterwards it made me realize something. We all can complain about being bored of our hometown. Or perhaps we can blame our living conditions as a reason for not being inspired enough to create. After this trip it made me realize that we – myself included – should just shut the fuck up. There is plenty to be seen and to take in. It is just outside your town. If you claim you are too busy or your work schedule doesn’t permit… look at Ev and I. We made it happen. You want to complain about not having enough money, well this trip between the both of us for 3 days (gas, food, hotel, tour fees) cost us under $800. Do yourself a favor and get out and see the world. I will tell you it is a lot more fun than just making up excuses as to not. I hope you all find this post as a source of inspiration to get out there. It definitely was an awaking for me.
Be sure to check out Evidence’s Instagram & Tumblr to see his photos from our trip.