Last friday, aside from being the end to another work week was also the night Alexander Spit was having a listening party for his upcoming release Dillinger releasing on 11/19/13. Using a store front located next to The Hundreds Rosewood store Alex set up shop with some limited t’s,a projector along with some refreshments making it event to be shared with friends and fans of his music. Having been a fan of Spit for the past few years I was excited to roll out and hear his new tracks. Bringing along my camera to document some of the moments from the night to share with all of you is what I love to do so check them out below. You know the deal. Blunt time with Baby D. What up Jordy Clot. Umi relaxing after a busy day at the shop. What up Spit. The crew in what appears to be a intense conversation. Jordy and Chad from APB Josh of CLSC,Young Stanley and Vladd from SSUR Hi Bago. Inside to witness Spit perform his new album for everyone. In between tracks he was taking the time to sign and number t-shirts bought by his fans. Afterwards everyone went back outside to enjoy the rest of the evening. Congrats again Spit on another great project, looking forward to the next one!