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The Rolling Stones

The Rolling Stones

rolling stones honda centerThe Rolling Stones are touring for the 50th year anniversary. Why is this significant? Their first hit record was recorded before your parents where born. Unless you have old parents which just made this embarrassing for both of us. I also need to retract something I said 2 years ago which was; “I wouldn’t fucking drive to Anaheim even if the Stones were playing.”

maddy anderson
Maddie Anderson and Rolling Stones super fan James Macintosh organized the evening and tested positive for awesomeness. Which for the first time in 8 months was molly free.

rolling stones concert
Let their be lights… the light show entertained most of the sold out arena, but it was very surprising how much all the members danced and stood on their own. Except Charlie Watts… he just kinda sat there and did the rhythm… the same one he has been doing for 50 years. Charlie Watts learned to play the drums when the Kennedy’s were actively pursuing Marilyn Monroe. There wasn’t even such thing as the Super Bowl.

jasmine tosh tamie
No matter how old you are you still know every song. Then Dave Grohl showed up. People went crazier than when Piggy got hit in the face with a boulder.

keith richardsThere is a huge chance this might never happen again.

tongue outUnless your band is named the Grateful Dead, you dream of a logo this iconic.

ronnie woodCouldn’t get better seats unless you are actually related to Ronnie Wood.

rolling stones logos
They invented the concert tee. They invented being a rock star. They invented swag.

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