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On the city limits of Culver City lies a vessel of creative knowledge without competition. So intellectually sophisticated I would even travel south of Pico to experience it. Arcana is a book store that doesn’t so much care for fictional nonsense. If fashion and the arts are what you seek, then you have arrived. Behold… Arcana the raddest bookstore you were not prepared to know about.

Before the internet, the only way you could visit your favorite website was with books. It made me a little sad that every time I opened one of these story devices, I saw a image I had never seen before… then it occurred to me I did not in fact know everything. Bee Tee dubs, those cardboard boxes on top are the super exclusive Taschen releases. Plus a Liechtenstein paper plate just for gp.

More libros that are too good for your coffee table.

Down the center isle there are rare and fragile artifacts that you don’t need to be touching.

Have you been looking for that out of print Japanese version of Tulsa? Well they have it.

Bruce Davidson > Larry Clark

Some books just jump right out at you. It’s also a great place to take dates!

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