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I think one of the most important tenets to live by, is to never stop reading. It doesn’t necessarily have to be Pulitzer Prize-winning novels or dry newsprint, either. It can be that rolled-up copy of Juxtapoz in your bathroom, the Frank 151 in your back pocket, or it can be what you’re looking at right now. One of the greatest attributes of the Internet, in my opinion, is that it has instilled reading as a regular habit amongst all types of people. I was born into a generation of boob-tubers, so at least we have the pursuit of knowledge and discussion on our side.

My weekend was spent with books, some of them e-books. Yes, I own a Nook. No, I don’t have an iPad. And yes, currently I’m finishing up Sarah Silverman’s The Bedwetter. I’m definitely on the side of the Sarah Silverman fence that isn’t bridled with hate and protest at the comic’s divisive comedy. This book isn’t a typical comedian joke book as much as a memoir of humorous instances throughout her life. Love her or hate her, your mind will definitely be made by the end of this one.


The great thing about e-readers is that you can stockpile books, and flip back and forth to where you’ve bookmarked off in others. I’m doing another run-through on Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray in between takes of Silverman’s flashbacks. I think maybe 3 of you out there are interested to hear me talk about this one, so I’ll move on.


George Lois, The Esquire Covers, is a hardbound compilation of the visionary designer’s 92 covers for Esquire Magazine from ’62-’72. The way this man’s mind works is intricately divulged alongside each monthly masterpiece. He is clearly an inspiration on our own work here at The Hundreds.


For example, Lois’ fashioned-up Clyde Frazier of the Knicks, the world’s coolest athlete at the time. How to “shoot a dude jock so that he looked like a superstar rather than a superstiff, the way male models usually looked” ? Whoever botchedKobe‘s attempt at the same exact idea in his recent LA Times Magazine pictorial should’ve taken a cue from Lois.


Another Gladwell winner. I finished What the Dog Saw, Malcolm Gladwell’s newest book earlier in the year, but I think it’s worth a mention here. 19 essays previously featured in Gladwell’s New Yorker column, taking you through in-depth analyses of why there are multiple brands of mustard, but only one ketchup, the inefficiency of job interviews in weeding through applicants, and why celebrity dog-trainer Cesar Milan knows how to communicate with canines (thus the title).


This is next. Tattoos on the Heart by Father Gregory Boyle, the founder of Homeboy Industries, takes you through 2 decades of his dedication, helping former gang members and at-risk youth in forming the largest gang prevention program in the country. Especially timely considering Boyle’s recent announcement a couple weeks back that the state of the economy has devastated Homeboy Industries. Click on their website to find out how you can help.


by bobbyhundreds

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