The Hundreds Magazine cover girl Olivia Munn is working on her first book, believe it or not. She asked if I’d photograph her in all these crazy getups for it. I was like “Sure lemme think about it YES.”
These are just some of the outtakes. That’d be weird if she actually chose these photos for the book. Anyways, once it gets published, I’ll show you guys the ones that made the final cut. Until then, they’re ALL MINE !! MUAAHAAHAHA
Oops, I almost forgot to mention. Olivia will personally sign your issue of The Hundreds Magazine if you send it to the following address with a self-addressed-stamped-envelope. If you want Ben and I to sign your copy, just forge it yourself. I won’t tell anybody.
Olivia Munn c/o G4’sAttack of the Show
5850 West 3rd Street
Los Angeles, CA 90036
by bobbyhundreds