Everyday they’re hustlin’. Dom Kennedy just dropped off the advance for his newest album, From the Westside with Love. 4 months in the making, by far Dom’s best work to date. It marks the 2 year anniversary since his first album release and he’s come a long way… OH, and this is the last time he’s giving away an album for free, so jump on it. It hits the internet Thursday, so prepare accordingly.
We’ve been down with Kimball for years, I know you’ve seen him pop up on the blog since back in the day. He’s always around hustlin’, but his new undercover gig is pushing GORILLA LIFE, a chlorophyll-based health drink. It’s a family business actually, his grandmother’s recipe that initially restored his niece’s health.
It’s now sold at Whole Foods and Mothers, and all those awesome organic grocery shops, but it’s a better story than anything. Here’s a little clip from CNN about it:
by bobbyhundreds