As Superbouncer Alex demonstrates, The Store’s closed today (Wednesday) in anticipation for our FALL Collection of t-shirts and sweatshirts, which debuts Thursday.
I know, Summer gets shorter and shorter every year. Like Alex’s patience for a peeping Benjie.
Dannyboy O’Connor (La Coka Nostra) would like to announce that the Store-exclusive The Hundreds x La Coka Nostra t-shirt is also dropping Thursday. For this tee, Dannyboy asked us to flip the classic LCN logo our own way, so I hand-lettered a more metal approach to the hardcore hip-hop crew’s mark. We’ve also crafted the shirt so that it can be thrown in the wash with your favorite dye, and the graphic will change colors.
If you’re in the Fairfax area and itching to spend Grandma’s birthday cash, you can still head down to Reserve to pick up all the new Freshjive gear, including the latest from Gonz which arrived yesterday afternoon.
by bobbyhundreds