Third up to bat with Best. T-Shirt. Ever. is Erik Brunetti of FUCT. His was the first illicit, “dangerous” Streetwear brand I adopted as a young teen in the ’90s. As we developed our own brand, my respect and admiration for his work and skills grew tenfold. Now as a grown-up, I appreciate Erik on another level – as an unapologetic voice that speaks loudly, viscerally, and honestly in an ocean of sycophants, street politicians, and social stairclimbers. At times, I can look to Brunetti to keep my brand and I in line and authentic, but moreso, to hold accountable the greater street culture sphere. He was the first of the few pioneers and sadly, the last of a dying breed. And so his entry into Best. T-Shirt. Ever. is asterisked!
The T-Shirt: RRL, navy blue, size Large.
The Story: It has no graphic images on it. It looks great with suits (or suit jacket) or on its own. It’s also age appropriate at 46 years old.
What’s up, Erik? I have an exhibition up in NYC presented by Vito Schnabel and PM Tenore…