Stephen Hung
Stephen Hung is the solo dolo homosapien behind effulgence. Conducting mood boards, visuals, and cotton productions between work hours so he doesn't have to experience another 9 to 5 again. Obsessed with A Tribe Called Quest-esque sonic grooves through his eardrums and Hey! Arnold-esque urban poetry capturing his pupils.
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{"id":"31319","name":"Stephen Hung","avatar":"https:\/\/\/thehundreds\/media\/2016\/05\/Effulegence-2a-250x250.png","city":"","state":"","description":"Stephen Hung is the solo dolo homosapien behind effulgence. Conducting mood boards, visuals, and cotton productions between work hours so he doesn\\'t have to experience another 9 to 5 again. Obsessed with A Tribe Called Quest-esque sonic grooves through his eardrums and Hey! Arnold-esque urban poetry capturing his pupils.","website":"http:\/\/\/","facebook":"effulgencesf","twitter":"effulgencesf","tumblr":"","instagram":"effulgencesf","youtube":"","vimeo":""}