I’ve finally got myself to New York! Usually I only visit the West Coast when I go to the US, but this time around I figured I would pay a visit to the Big Apple as well. And its been very good so far. I’m blessed. Bumped into so many good peoples, and I also got the homies with me from Oslo. Very nice.
Yesterday was our first full day. Stopped by so many spots, but more on that later though. In this post I’ll focus on THNY. Finally got to check it out. The store is so dope. It even looks better than in the pictures. Awesome. Good peoples as well. They hold it down for The Hundreds for reals. They just dropped the new store exclusive gems, and the crew were down to shoot some of it. Big s/o to the THNY GRND crew that I met today, I don’t know how to spell all your names so I’ll just write your IG handles… haha: levidopeness, freakleesh, nika4short, stainzsrsg4202, and ccnewyork. Good times! Thanks for all the help.

– akam1k3