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Rendezvous :: Talia

Rendezvous :: Talia

Look out for Neave’s photo set “Rendezvous” every Friday.

Helllllo folks! This is a set I shot while I was in New York two weeks ago. On the plane ride there I got a DM from Talia. I had hit her up a very long time ago to shoot but had totally forgotten about it until she messaged me on Instagram. We set up a time and decided to shoot in my room at The Bowery Hotel in New York because it was way fucking too cold to be outside. The lighting in it was perfect! One giant French window and that’s it.

Most of this set is black and white, and really the only reason you see a couple of colored photos in there is because of her eye color. I am definitely going to photograph her 80 more times! Also I would like to take this moment to publicly state that I love the way the models dress in New York. Step your game up, LA.

Another also! If you’d like to see footage from these shoots, they’re usually on my Snapchat story. It’s either girls, me nerding out about lights and shadows, me giving photography “tips,” or models saying amazing things. Is that something that you think you might like? You’ll find out: SirNeave.

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