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You know how you’ll get buried so deep into an argument sometimes that you don’t even know what you’re fighting about anymore? It’s not about defending or challenging the issue at hand, but venting resentment for the unaddressed problems around it. Or it’s just retribution for being ignored and marginalized. So much of politics feels this way today. We are crying for help, but nobody is listening – so we guard our fear with self-righteousness, arm ourselves with tribalism, weaponize politics in a wicked sport of revenge. It’s understandable why we’re disillusioned and scared: Wealth disparity. Morally bankrupt leadership. Systemic oppression. I’ve spent the last four years immersing myself in all corners of social and political discourse, and I come back to the same conclusion time and again. Americans are united in our hurt and isolation. We are desperately seeking bonds and relationships with our neighbors, but we are being hardwired for opposition. Whether it’s the social media algorithms, Russia or China, the dark powers that be that are making us lose hope in each other, it is unnatural for us to behave this way. That’s why this feels so wrong and inhuman. What if we approached Politics from a place of Love and Support? Not to protect one’s self only, but to help others? Is there a Politics that believes a better life for everyone else is ultimately an improved existence for ourselves? A Politics that listens more than it speaks, that gives more than it takes? Can Politics be a restorative tool instead of a harmful device? For me, there’s only one Pres/VP team in this race that speaks a more reconciliatory language, and so I’ve lent Joe Biden and Kamala Harris my “Solidarity” art for a collaborative T-shirt now available on their website. The coolest part about America is that you can vote (or not) for whomever you want, even if it goes against your friends, your family, or me. I just hope you vote for the guy who wants to keep it that way.

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