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Test Shot-Stephanie Madrigal

Test Shot-Stephanie Madrigal

Back again with another Test Shot segment for you guys. This time it is with a fresh face girl by the name of Stephanie Madrigal. Now how we linked up was proof of the power of knowing people and having good friends. I believe we started talking up via Facebook but she said she had heard of me through my friend Joselyn who works at a boutique off Melrose called My Closet Italia. Stephanie was shopping down there one day and walked into the store and started chatting with Joselyn,  during this conversation Stephanie had mentioned a interest in modeling. Well being the kind person she is Joselyn had told her about a couple of photographers she should try to shoot with and I was one of them. Well after establishing some lines of communication we set up a day to go shoot, and I had scored a cool vintage apt. by Korea Town courtesy of my pal Jordan. With great textures and good lighting it was a perfect place for me to shoot. Despite the weather being a bit over casted that day it worked out just fine. So check out her photos and interview below, with her determination and looks you will probably be seeing her around on the world wide web some more.

Van Styles: Let’s start this off with the age.

Stephanie Madrigal: 18

VS: Ethnicity?

SM: Mexican

VS: Where were you born?

SM: Oxnard, C.A

VS: Where do you currently live?

SM: The Nard

VS: Give me some of your likes.

SM: Summer, skinny dipping, Netflix, bike riding, hiking, pretending I’m a lesbian with my best friends.

VS: And the dislikes?

SM: Animal cruelty, bullys, pretty much anything negative.

VS: What do you want to be when you grow up?

SM: For now wherever the future takes me,I just wanna be successful and happy.

VS: Any influences?

SM: Definitely my hard working dad.

VS: Favorite food?

SM: This is a hard one ! I eat everything!

VS: Give me your favorite place that you traveled to.

SM: Orlando,Florida

VS: And the place you want to visit before you die?

SM: Brazil

VS: Current employment?

SM: My only job right now is school!

Follow Stephanie on Instagram

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