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Test Shot :: Maria C

Test Shot :: Maria C

T.G.I.F. everyone! Since it is the end of the work week, I wanted to kick the weekend off on a good note. So what better way to do that than to bring you a new Test Shot segment. This feature will be on a girl I got to shoot by the name of Maria aka “Mareezy.” I remember I had caught a red eye flight from L.A. to Miami and laded at about 5am or so. I was cruising around South Beach snapping some shots of the sunrise and killing time before checking into my hotel. I noticed a comment she had made on the photo I posted to Instagram and followed it to her page where I checked her out. After a quick e-mail or two we already had a shoot set up for my morning there. She showed up to my suite at the W and we snapped away. It is moments like these that remind me how awesome and powerful the internet can be. I mean, a 5 hour flight across country to shoot the sunrise to shooting with a beautiful model at my hotel. Yea, I really can’t complain, life is not too bad. Well, scroll below for more photos of Maria along with her interview. Have a great weekend everyone!

Maria C, Dreeaboo, andreea.francisca, Van styles, Francisca Andreea

Alright Maria, I know this post is a long time coming so let’s get this going. How old are you?

And what is your ethnicity?

Where were you born?
I was born in Cuba.

Nice, and where do you currently reside?
Sunny Miami, FL,

Give us some of your likes in life.
Making money & spending it! (lol). Anything that has to do with the universe or ancient Egypt, online shopping, laying out at the beach, dancing… or anything that’s a good time!

What about your dislikes?
Dishonest people, chapped lips, slow drivers, & bullies. >:|

Chapped lips are the worst. What do you want to be when you grow up?
I’m actually in school to be a Broadcast Journalist.

Anchorwoman huh? Do you have any influences?
Michael Jackson & Twiggy Lawson.

What is your favorite food?
Chicken, fried rice & pizza!

Do you have a favorite place you have traveled to?
The Dominican Republic. The beaches are BEAUTIFUL!

Name a place you want to visit before you die.
Lebanon, the motherland… Egypt & Dubai.

What is your current form of employment?
Oh god… are you ready? …I’m a bill collector!

Bet people love getting a call from you. What is your favorite type of music?
I listen to everything. My iTunes ranges from Biggie Smalls to Taylor Swift & everything in between, lol!

What is it that you love about modeling?
Modeling is a lot like acting, you get to partake on different roles depending on the set, sometimes you get to be sexy, other times edgy, etc.

The feeling of accomplishment after killing the runway or a shoot is definitely one of the best.

What do you love about Miami?
Everything! Miami is the place to be… Weather is always perfect, drinks are always cold, & the girls are always hot.

Where would be your dream photo shoot?
Inside an Indian palace, wearing Balmain.

Lastly, what is your favorite feature of yourself?
My Arabic nose. It gives me character.

Maria C, Dreeaboo, andreea.francisca, Van styles, Francisca Andreea,

Maria C, Dreeaboo, andreea.francisca, Van styles, Francisca Andreea,

Maria C, Dreeaboo, andreea.francisca, Van styles, Francisca Andreea,

Maria C, Dreeaboo, andreea.francisca, Van styles, Francisca Andreea

Maria C, Dreeaboo, andreea.francisca, Van styles, Francisca Andreea

Maria C, Dreeaboo, andreea.francisca, Van styles, Francisca Andreea

Maria C, Dreeaboo, andreea.francisca, Van styles, Francisca Andreea

Maria C, Dreeaboo, andreea.francisca, Van styles, Francisca Andreea,

Maria C, Dreeaboo, andreea.francisca, Van styles, Francisca Andreea

Follow Maria on Instagram and pick up her “Linger” V/SUAL tee here.

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