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Oh, That's Who Sang That Joint :: Phantogram @ KROQ

Oh, That's Who Sang That Joint :: Phantogram @ KROQ

I’ve been so out of touch with music that it’s getting kind of sad. I used to be heavy into just about everything back in the mid-2000s, during my college days, when all I had to worry about was buying the latest dunks and intentionally not matching. I think the last concert I bought tickets for was Jurassic 5 at the Warfield. Fuck.



Either way, with having to drive a bit more to an actual office these days, I’ve been listening to the radio more than ever and am slowing getting back into the swing of things. Obviously I’m up on the Jay-Z’s and the Yeezy’s of the world (even The Shins!), but the art of discovering something new has vanished and I’d really love to dust the rust off.

The other day our marketing manager, Albie, invited Bobby, Mac and I to attend one of KROQ’s Red Bull Sound Space sessions with Phantogram. I honestly had no clue who they were but Albie’s promise of a VIP experience was enough to make me hop in Bobby’s car for the ride.



Upon walking in we were greeting by a room full of Phantogram fans, along with a hoard of folks who were either taking advantage of their lunch break or had no job to report to in the middle of the day… on a week day. We were also meet with a sweatbag staff photographer who bodied us out of any decent angles and a bouncer who insisted we shoot the side of his head the entire show. Ugh.

Aside from my complaints, I had a rather enjoyable time listening to Phantogram live, getting some handy advice from Bobby on live show photography and a revelation of who sang this song that’s been stuck in my head for a couple of weeks.

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