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Fairbanks Pt. 2 :: Mother Nature Hooked Us Up

Fairbanks Pt. 2 :: Mother Nature Hooked Us Up

Back again with the second set of happenings from my weekend roadtrip to Fairbanks, AK. If you missed part one, shame on you.

Day two was mostly taken up by driving back home to Anchorage, but the scenery along the road was breathtaking. Once again making me realize why I love my state so much, and why yours isn’t all that cool.

We hit the road around 11:30am, hoping to make it back home before sundown.

Not too far from Fairbanks we found this old truck. For whatever reason, I had to hop out of the car and snap a few photos of it.

We also had a lot of “get out of the car and lay in the road”  moments.

About two hours into the drive home, we found our paradise. Wide open roads, huge mountains, and fluffy clouds. I can’t take any credit for the following photos, Mother Nature hooked us up.

Fast forward another hour and we start to enter the snowy landscapes that you’re accustomed to. Trippy how a few hours drive can make it seem like a totally different place.

 Young ruining my shot setting up his shot.

Here’s the last image I managed to get before falling asleep. An old Igloo themed hotel.

All in all, I’d be lying if I said I had a bad weekend. Despite not really getting to do any of the things we really wanted to, I’m grateful that I was able to get out and see more of the state that I call home, as well as share these images with you.

Until next time.

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