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Victor Churchill

Victor Churchill

Victor Churchill butcher shop in Sydney is one of the most astounding meat markets in the world. More of a meat boutique, this place is an example of; if something is worth doing… it’s worth doing better than anyone has ever done it.

The comparisons to Alife and Bodega are instantly recognizable… except Victor Churchill invented copper hinges, mahogany, and the largest marble floor you have ever imagined. Oh and it’s like 150 years old. I’m convinced it should MEAT your expectations.

When you think of Butchers you never think of creative, talented, brilliant tastemakers. These butchers have traveled the world with a love for food. They are classically trained, have 100’s of years combined experience, one guy was even the butcher for Harrods.

“Meat is to Australians as rice is to Asians” – said by someone else if you are offended, me if it’s funny.

I don’t know what this is, but being displayed so perfectly males me want one.

This being the most expensive rotisserie ever designed, the ventilator has an exhaust when you walk in to give customers a whiff of things to come.

While it lasts, here is the full Django movie: YOUR WELCOME

This is either a giant meat syringe, or a sausage maker.

The walls are covered with timber and cowhide, it’s cleaner than the hubble space telescope.

The meat is cured in special tempurature controlled rooms between 20-28 days. Interlocking Himalayan salt blocks line the walls to purify the air and help in the drying process. The blocks needs to be replaced every two years. All the meat is from Australia.

For over 2500 years a grove of 437 Farga olive trees has stood on the East coast of Spain. With only 3000 bottles of El Poaig olive oil being made every year, Victor Churchill has 50 of them. You know this shit was like gold to the Romans and shit. Anyway, this is some super rare olive oil, and of course it is in the most beautiful butchery in the world.

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